Alexander Turco

Aspiring Scientist.

An undergraduate student with a passion for biology and programming!

About me

Hello World, my name is Alexander Turco, thanks for checking out my website! I wrote this website using react and tailwindcss as a means of bettering my Javascript skills while also finding a cool way to share some of the projects I have been involved in (because resumes are boring). I am currently an undergraduate student at McMaster University pursuing a degree in biology. Prior to university, the thought of programming had never even slipped my mind as I believed my interests in biology would keep me far away from any code. I started to realize how wrong I was and in fact, I came across an area of study called bioinformatics which utilizes computational methods to analyze biological data. I now have the best of both worlds and am able to combine my love of biology with my love of programming.


As fascinated as I am about biology, throughout my undergrad I began to develop an obsession with programming. As I started to teach myself more, I quickly recognized the potential programming has in so many different areas. Below are some languages I have experience in.



